

Mei 2019 - Vliegende Hollander
Alles war total schön und entspannt, wir (Gruppe mit 22 Leuten) bekamen alle Wünsche, die wir hatten, einwandfrei erfüllt und konnten unserem Hobby auch an Board frönen. Sehr entspannte und nette Crew, die uns für alle Fragen rund um das Schiff und Segeln zur Verfügung stand. Jederzeit gerne wieder, hoffentlich schon im nächsten Jahr.

Christian Koenig, BASF NAOC 2019

Mei 2019 - Flying Dutchman
Christian Koenig, BASF NAOC 2019
I thought about two lines here, but just how much information do you get out from that? So, please excuse the many words. I´ve been organizing 25 trips for nearly 800 participants aboard various classic sailing vessels in the past 20 years. We sailed the Marker- and Ijsselmeer, the Waddenzee, the North Sea and the Baltics. Trips ranged from one up to seven days. I have witnessed all the ups and downs you could possibly imagine on those trips. There are vessels on the Ijsselmeer where you pay a fortune for food and drinks – and end up eating pre-baked / part-baked bagels only, since the skip claims the cooking team had pulled a fast one on him. Where the ship´s seaworthiness is doubtful, rust holes cause a constant threat when walking on the decks or life vests are stored somewhere, but the crew couldn´t recall where exactely. Or skips who made you believe that the tide didn´t allow to sail for more than three hours per day. Because at low tide Harlingen couldn´t be left anymore. And you wondered how the ferries could - And then there is an uncrowned queen. An aged beauty with her experienced owner, Klaas van Twillert. Who, many years ago, described his passion as “An honest ship, honest food, honest crew.”. The „Flying Dutchman“ clearly sails in a class of her own. She is extremely well cared for, and appears in an overall shape to the highest standards possible. Her looks mirror her inner values. Thoughtful designed cabins with comfortable bunks and clean toilet/shower compartments. A central heating that really works. A fridge that´s always filled with water, soft drinks and wine. A tab that really pours out good beer. Tea and coffee all day long, and spiced water. A kitchen well equipped including dishwasher. All linen and towels washed and changed on a regular Basis, and the ship cleaned. New sails and partially new rigging, and no rusty noses to be found anywhere. The whole ship seems to shine from the in- and outside. We sailed her May 5-12, 2019, with a crew of 24, departing and returning to Oban/Scotland, with calls at Duart Castle and Tobermory (Mull), Staffa, Iona, Craig House (Jura), Port Ellen (Islay) and Crinan. On our trip Laurents v. Twillert was the captain. He did a marvelous job and showed the highest skills a seafarer possible could display. Safety stood first and included evacuation, man over board and fire drills. Calculating tides and wind by hand and in addition by the computer allowed for best sailing results. All destinations had been carefully planned for, and Laurents really made ends meet. Wild game, destilleries, breathtaking landscapes, neat little ports. Awesome. If we had to leave by 6 in the morning, we did. If it was a long lap, all knew about it in advance. And contributed the best they could. Seldom ever have we experienced a more tactical skipper. His mate Pim excelled in teaching us, while the chef Danny produced truly high end meals, using only fresh ingredients. D anny cooks with passion, and you taste that! The breakfast was all freshly prepared for, including warm bread, crispy fruits and yoghurt. To nearly every meal Danny made a salad, and just too often a desert. Which was difficult to eat after all these fine meals. Tasty veggies, pulled lamb, fresh fish, shrimps, eggs, sweet potatoes, haggis, black pudding, baked beans … we all gained weight in no time! And we loved it. Overall “Flying Dutchman” is the very best choice when it comes to sailing in Scotland. Don´t settle for anything less.


Mei 2019 - De Onderneming
es war als tip-top. Es war eine gute Crew und das Schiff war ordentlich. Alles zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit!

Lieben Dank von uns!

André und Britta

Mei 2019 - Zwarte Valk
André und Britta
Wir sind mit Freunden vom Niederrhein und Ruhrgebiet nun mit dem Zwarte Valk seit 2010 regelmäßig im Mai an einem Wochenende unterwegs und jedes Mal begeistert. Texel, Vlieland oder Terchelling zu besuchen oder wie nun mal im Iysselmeer zu segeln hat alles seinen Reiz. Den Ort Enkhuizen fanden wir ganz reizvoll, wo wir auf Empfehlung der tollen Schiffsführer Hessel und Wemke diesmal festgemacht haben.Wir freuen uns schon aufs nächste Mal! Und immer einen handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel....hejo

Gerard Hagen

Mei 2019 - Flying Dutchman
Gerard Hagen
Het schip is net groot genoeg voor een flinke groep en klein genoeg om het snel gezellig te hebben. De bemanning is vriendelijk, deskundig en je kan ze alles vragen. Ze vertellen graag over het uitzicht of eerdere avonturen op zee. De kok is geweldig! of het nu ontbijt, lunch of diner is, je verwachtingen worden iedere keer overtroffen. De route was prachtig waarbij we -wanneer het even kon- de zeilen hesen. Er bleken meerdere mensen een muziekinstrument te bespelen, dus we hebben s avonds veel gezongen en van de zeemansliederen genoten. We legden iedere dag ergens anders aan, met tips voor bezienswaardigheden of zelfs een reisleider mee aan land. Al met al een onvergetelijk avontuur op dit prachtige schip in een buitengewoon mooie omgeving. Niet de laatste keer geweest dat ik opstap!